Upgrade to Electric Without the Upcharge: Electric School and Transit Funding Opportunity Open

Imagine your future with cleaner, quieter and more comfortable buses. If you operate a transit or school bus fleet in the Indiana Michigan Power service territory, your future is here.
Funding is available to help fleet operators replace existing buses with electric at no additional cost. Grants will cover the price difference between an electric bus and your conventional replacement bus, up to $250,000 per bus.
Funding will also help cover the cost of charging equipment and installation, up to $4,175 each for school buses and up to $60,600 each for transit buses.
The application window is open now and will remain open until October 31, 2022. Awards will be announced no later than December 31, 2022.
Indiana Michigan Power’s Transit Authority and School Bus Replacement Grants can be bundled with other grants under the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” administered through the EPA. Details on program timing and requirements can be found on the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program Funding web page. Be sure to sign-up for the Clean School Bus Program news so you can receive updates directly from the EPA on the funding program; rollout is expected in April 2022.
Apply at aep.com/ElectricBusFunding