Our mission is to advance alternative, domestic fueled transportation including energy efficient technologies across all sectors in Indiana.


Greater Indiana Memberships!


Becoming a member of Greater Indiana Clean Cities, Inc. places your organization in an elite group of leaders and knowledge seekers in the alternative fuels and related technologies transportation industry. You will have access to a one-stop-shop of answers to all your transportation energy questions and participate in educational networking functions with like-minded fleet operators and suppliers interested in learning from each other through individual and group alternative fuel and technology projects.



Becoming a member of Greater Indiana Clean Cities, Inc. places your organization in an elite group of leaders and knowledge seekers in the alternative fuels and related technologies transportation industry. You will have access to a one-stop-shop of answers to all your transportation energy questions and participate in educational networking functions with like-minded fleet operators and suppliers interested in learning from each other through individual and group alternative fuel and technology projects.

In addition to these levels, Greater Indiana is also pleased to offer the following Add-on Services: Grant Writing Assistance, Fleet Analysis & Planning, Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Project Coordination & Planning, Alternative Fuel Program Creation, Outreach, & Education.


Every project and client are different. We can customize a membership level to fit your needs. Contact us about your project and we will discuss what works best for YOU.

Fleet Analysis & Planning

Alternative Fuel Program Creation, Outreach, & Education

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Project Coordination & Planning

Grant Writing Assistance

Research Article Creation and Case Studies

View our Services & Membership Levels

Greater Indiana Strategic Partner

Greater Indiana Executive Member

Greater Indiana Champion Members

Greater Indiana Leader Members