All About Types of Electric School Buses

WRI’s Electric School Bus Initiative released an updated 2023 Electric School Bus Market Study and Electric School Bus U.S. Buyer’s Guide. These guides are gathered from various sources and compile information to provide a comprehensive overview of the electric school bus market and a catalog of available electric school bus models. The guides also provide an in-depth look at school district experiences with ESBs through a variety of use cases in the U.S. This publication is meant to be updated annually as new technologies and vehicles are altered are come to market.Read the guides
“Momentum around electric school buses (ESBs) is growing in the United States as school districts across the country transition to this cleaner and healthier technology, bolstered by an infusion of new funding from the federal government. The ESB transition will require a coordinated effort among numerous entities, including school district leadership and staff; school bus manufacturers and contractors; utilities; policy makers; regulators; local advocacy organizations; and community members…This resource is one of many from WRI’s Electric School Bus Initiative and is intended to be updated to expand upon topics like funding and financing, alternative service models and utility engagement.”