RFA Releases 2025 Ethanol Industry Outlook and Pocket Guide

The Renewable Fuels Association released its 2025 Ethanol Industry Outlook and Pocket Guide today as a kickoff to the 30th annual National Ethanol Conference, taking place this week in Nashville. The annual publications serve as the go-to source of ethanol industry information, facts, and statistics, and follow the NEC theme of “Back to Our Roots.”
In 2025, RFA will join with ethanol producers and farmers across the country to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the Renewable Fuel Standard, the most transformative and influential public policy in our industry’s long and storied history, notes RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper in his introduction to the report. “But we’ll do more than simply commemorate the successes of the RFS over the past two decades,” he said. “We’ll also use this opportunity to remind a new administration and new Congress that the health and welfare of America’s family farms is directly and inextricably tied to the health and welfare of America’s biofuels industry.”