A Quick Guide For Landfills Considering A Renewable Energy Project

“Energy demand continues to rise as populations grow and industrial and commercial activity expand to accommodate the needs of society. These increasing energy requirements make the development and adoption of renewable energy sources like renewable natural gas (RNG) even more essential, delivering energy security and lower-carbon energy solutions to communities and businesses.”
As a leading RNG developer, Kinetrex Energy provides some insight on the factors to consider when evaluating what type of landfill gas-to-energy project is best for your landfill and who to partner with. Thermal applications such as heating homes and buildings could greatly benefit from the use of landfills for sustainable electricity generation. Reviewing factors such as landfill gas, current landfill gas usage, landfill location, capital investment, and RNG partners are the first steps for a landfill gas-to-energy project.Learn more about where to start