Energy Everywhere: Renewable Diesel

Transportation is the most significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the US. Renewable fuels, like renewable diesel, can play an essential role in reducing emissions. Renewable diesel offers about a 50% reduction in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to petroleum diesel. It is sourced from various renewable feedstocks such as soybean oil, canola oil, and animal fats. Renewable diesel can be used in existing diesel vehicles without requiring new engines or infrastructure. It can be blended with petroleum diesel, used in heavy-duty vehicles, and transported through existing infrastructure. With ongoing projects and acquisitions toward that goal, Chevron aims to increase its renewable fuels production capacity to 100,000 barrels per day by 2030.Read more
‘Energy can be found almost everywhere, including in soybeans and used cooking oil. We’re working to scale our biofeedstocks business to produce biofuels like renewable diesel, which can help lower the carbon intensity of the transportation industry. “I’m working here at Chevron to turn vegetable oil, like soy, into renewable diesel fuel that can be used to power cars and trucks,” said Meir Hasbani, avid surfer and skier, and Chevron’s biofuels program manager.”‘