New Motor Oil Made With High Oleic Soybean Oil Now Available on Amazon

America’s drivers have a new choice that unites performance and sustainability at a competitive cost. Biosynthetic Technologies’ high-performing biobased synthetic motor oil, using high oleic soybean oil from soybeans grown by U.S. farmers, is now on commercial shelves.
“Soy-based motor oil is another great opportunity to drive demand for U.S. soybeans and allow companies to give customers what they want at the same time. These partnerships benefit soybean farmers and agriculture as well as a variety of industries and end users,” said United Soybean Board Director Mike Korth, a soybean grower from Randolph, Nebraska.
Department of Defense and Washington, D.C.-area fleet demonstrations found the product meets or exceeds their performance requirements. Biosynthetic Technologies’ motor oil is also recognized as a USDA Certified Biobased Product in the United States Department of Agriculture’s BioPreferred Program. The company will market both 5W-20 and 5W-30 through and direct from their website. The product is available for purchase and use immediately. Biosynthetic is also offering farmers a limited-time 20% discount to purchase the synthetic oil. They can use code BioTrialFarm available only at through January 31.
USB and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have supported the soy-based, drop-in synthetic alternative to petroleum-based motor oil. The biobased alternative is well-suited for high-temperature automotive and industrial applications. USB introduced the product to multiple Washington, D.C., region fleets, including DC Water, that field-tested the motor oil. DC Water concluded the field test to be successful with the biobased motor oil, reporting strong performance, improved fuel efficiency and cleaner engines when compared to the petroleum-based oil they previously used. Three other Washington, D.C.-area fleets also reported success with the biobased motor oil after participating in a trial. They included the Smithsonian Institution; Arlington County, Virginia; and Prince George’s County, Maryland.
“At DC Water, we are always looking for innovative options that can help improve the sustainability of our fleet without sacrificing performance or increasing costs,” said Tim Fitzgerald, director of fleet management for DC Water. “This biobased motor oil exceeded our expectations in terms of performance and engine cleanliness. The oil samples have shown increased longevity and stability over time while the equipment appears to be cleaner, which is a definite plus for us. The oil is biodegradable and less harmful to the environment. I see real potential for greater use of this biobased alternative in the future.”
USB recognizes the importance of valued partnerships and investments into projects like these, as they help drive demand for U.S.-grown soybeans. Finding opportunities for soybean farmers to use products developed with their own crops also results in higher demand for the product. The checkoff continuously seeks out innovation and areas where soybeans can strongly succeed.
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Aviation, in coordination with the Air Force and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, conducted an 18-month limited field demonstration project to evaluate synthetic biobased motor oil in non-tactical Department of Defense and federal agency vehicles with gasoline-powered engines. The effort included analysis of oil samples. They concluded: “The demonstrated biobased full-synthetic motor oils were found to meet or exceed the DoD and federal agencies’ performance requirements.”
Participants in the demonstration included:
- Air Force Bases: Fairchild, Luke, Malmstrom and Seymour Johnson
- Army: Fort Irwin
- Navy: Naval Air Station Lemoore
- Department of Homeland Security: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Kennedy Space Center, Langley Research Center, Armstrong Flight Research Center and White Sands Test Facility
- United States Postal Service
- The USAF 441st Vehicle Support Chain Operations Squadron provided access to Air Force vehicles in various climates
“We are extremely proud to launch our new line of high-performance motor oils manufactured with high oleic soybean oil from soybeans grown by U.S. farmers. Our motor oils are certified by the American Petroleum Institute, and not only do they reduce sludge and varnish, they improve fuel economy and provide environmental benefits for renewability and biodegradability as well,” said Mark Miller, CEO at Biosynthetic Technologies. “Our revolutionary new class of biobased synthetic compounds have enabled us to commercialize an automotive engine oil that is biodegradable while delivering the highest levels of performance, giving creed to our vision of delivering innovations for a sustainable future!”