Greater Indiana is pleased to offer the following services:

Every project and client are different. Contact us about your project and we will discuss what works best for YOU.


● Fleet Analysis & Planning:
Greater Indiana will assess your current fleet operations to develop a variety of strategies to increase your fleet’s efficiency while decreasing costs and emissions. Throughout the process we will provide information and connections to ensure you find the fuels and technologies that are the right fit for your fleet.

● Alternative Fuel Program Creation, Outreach, & Education:
Greater Indiana will develop an alternative fuel program to promote outreach and education for a particular fuel, technology, sustainable product, or related topic. Programs may include but are not limited to online training modules and customer education and outreach programs.

● Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Project Coordination & Planning:
Greater Indiana will work with you to identify the charging or fueling infrastructure locations, vendors, and partners to ensure your infrastructure is installed on schedule and all incentives are identified. Throughout the process we are available to provide information to educate internal and external stakeholders such as employees, customers, and community members.

● Grant Writing Assistance:
Greater Indiana will work with you to identify funding opportunities and write proposals for your projects. We have assisted municipalities in securing funding for alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure. We look forward to assisting you with your alt fuel project.

● Research Article Creation and Case Studies:
Greater Indiana will create a research article or case study, conducting research and interviews as necessary. Research Articles and Case Studies may highlight specific programs, projects, or benefits of a fuel or technology such as cost savings and emissions reductions.

We can customize a membership level to fit your needs—just ask!



STRATEGIC PARTNER  |  $10,000 Annually

Our strategic partners are invested in the growth and achievement of our mission and the alignment of mutual goals. Greater Indiana team members will dedicate time and energy to a strategic partner’s specific programs and objectives. Both teams collaborate to determine a customized plan of service for the year.


EXECUTIVE  |  $5,000 Annually

At the Executive level, our Greater Indiana Team works closely with your organization or business, creating a strategy and deliverables to achieve your goals. We customize a plan fulfilling the objectives of your project or program.


CHAMPION  |  $3,000 Annually

As a Greater Indiana Champion, we help gain momentum on the programs you are building.

All Leader benefits, plus…
● Mention in Greater Indiana Presentations and Logo displayed on every page of Greater Indiana’s website.
● Use of Greater Indiana Logo on your organization’s website and materials
● Monthly curated content for use in your social streams
● 1-3 guest articles on Greater Indiana website and social accounts
● Reserved space for team at our annual State Policy Maker Education Day
● Access to updates for national policy engagement
● Consulting assistance on 1-2 moderate projects with Greater Indiana’s experts
● One complimentary webinar or presentation featuring you and hosted by Greater Indiana
● One complimentary internal alternative fuel training session hosted by Greater Indiana


LEADER  |  $1,500 Annually

As a Greater Indiana Leader, we help promote all that you are doing to further the advancement of Alternative Fuels and Alternative Fuel Transportation.

All Advocate benefits, plus…
● Logo displayed in Greater Indiana booth at events
● Yearly Organization Feature created for Greater Indiana and Partner publications
● Your organization featured on Greater Indiana Homepage for 6 months
● Your organization’s news included in the Member Roundup section of Greater Indiana newsletter and social posts
● Greater Indiana will represent your specific concerns at Policy-Maker Education Day
● Discounted advertising rates on industry news sites
● Consulting assistance on minor projects


ADVOCATE  |  $500 Annually

As a Greater Indiana Advocate, you gain access to all the expertise and knowledge about Alternative Fuels and Alternative Fuel Transportation.

● Your organization’s logo featured on the Member Listing page of our website
● Admission to Greater Indiana’s Annual Meeting & Awards
● Invitations to member-only meetings
● Subscription to our monthly newsletter
● Awareness for industry event discounts
● Guidance to resources, education, and partners
● Greater Indiana will represent your industry’s concerns at their annual State Policy Maker Education Day
● Connection to like-minded Alternative Fuel organizations



● Ally — $250
● Supporter — $100
● Associate — $50
● Friend — $25


Privacy Policy: Greater Indiana Clean Cities, Inc. does not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose personal or business information from our members to third parties. We employ reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural security measures to safeguard information and to help protect against unauthorized access and disclosure. The security and privacy of our members is paramount to Greater Indiana Clean Cities, Inc.