Landscape Solutions Green Distinction

Landscape Solutions prioritizes clean air in public spaces where they operate, recognizing the impact of emissions on communities. Their use of alternative fuels, particularly propane, is a conscious choice to minimize exposure to harmful gases and toxins. This decision enhances safety, as propane is less flammable than traditional fuels, and it poses no harm to water or soil. They aim to create healthier environments for everyone, especially those in high-risk groups, promoting a higher quality of life.See more
From propane-powered mowers and production vehicles to alternative-fueled fleet vehicles, our friends at Landscape Solutions showcase their Green Distinction. “We offer our services not only with the highest quality, but with a keen awareness of the importance of protecting our natural environment. While “being green” may be a catch phrase with other companies, at Landscape Solutions our commitment to eco-friendly practices is demonstrated in our lawn and landscape maintenance practices and in the methods we use to provide our services.”