Greater Indiana Members Awarded $126,000 to Install L2 EV Chargers
Last week, applicants from Greater Indiana’s service territory were awarded $260,000 in Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund grants aimed at expanding the availability of public electric vehicle charging stations across Indiana. Of those applicants, $126,000 was awarded to Greater Indiana members.
The Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee approved the grant applications of the Indianapolis Airport, and the Cities of Bloomington, Fort Wayne, and West Lafayette. With the help of Indiana Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Program funding, Greater Indiana’s members will install 14 level 2 electric vehicle chargers.
“We would like to congratulate the Greater Indiana members who were awarded funding for the installation of Electric Vehicle chargers, ” Kerri Garvin, Executive Director of Greater Indiana Clean Cities said. “These chargers will encourage adoption of electric vehicles, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions in Indiana. Greater Indiana will continue to support our members in the implementation of alternative fuel infrastructure.”
Greater Indiana worked with the City of Bloomington and the City of Fort Wayne to determine charger locations, coordinate with site hosts and write their 2020 Indiana Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Program, Statewide or Partial Level 2 grant applications. The local Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Utility providers were also vital project partners. The City of Bloomington’s project was supported by the Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization and Duke Energy while the City of Fort Wayne’s project was supported by the Northeastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council and Indiana Michigan Power.
The Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee (Committee) awarded $493,000 for 56 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the state. Funding was awarded for Level 2 (L2) charging equipment to 31 Indiana cities, towns, and organizations that responded to a request for proposal from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). See the map of the stations across the state here.
Approximately $6.15 million from the Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund has been allocated by the Committee for the implementation of a statewide EV charging network. Roughly $615,000 was allocated for L2 charging equipment, and $5.54 million was allocated for direct-current fast charge (DCFC) equipment.
IDEM received and reviewed 28 applications for DCFC equipment and 17 applications for L2 equipment. Awards were subject to the availability of funds and the quality of proposals received. IDEM is seeking additional clarification on four of the 28 DCFC applications that were received.
One of the four DCFC applications IDEM identified was the Indiana Utility Group’s state-wide proposal. Greater Indiana supports the Indiana Utility Group’s proposal based on its cross-state collaborations, high number of DCFC locations across Indiana, and the group’s familiarity with Indiana’s local governments and communities.
The Committee and IDEM plan to reconvene in Spring 2021 to discuss these applications and potentially award additional funding.
For more information about the Indiana Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Program, visit
IDEM implements federal and state regulations regarding the environment. Through compliance assistance, incentive programs and educational outreach, the agency encourages and aids businesses and citizens in protecting Hoosiers and our environment
Greater Indiana is a Clean City Coalition focused on advancing communities with education and resources on alternative fuel vehicles. The standalone nonprofit 501(c)3 organization serves 74 counties, working with public and private sector members. Greater Indiana is a resource for members integrating alternative fuels, technologies, and efficiency measures. Greater Indiana hosts educational and networking events fostering opportunities for partnerships between fleets and industry providers. By facilitating these partnerships and projects, Greater Indiana is fostering the economic, environmental, and energy security of the United States.