DieselWise Indiana Grant Funding Announced

The national Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Program provides Beneficiaries with the flexibility to use Trust funds in combination with a state’s Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) awards. The state of Indiana is an annual recipient of a DERA State Allocation award and the Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee approved a portion of the state’s overall Volkswagen funding to be utilized in this manner.
The 2020 DIESELWISE INDIANA – DERA with Volkswagen DERA Option request for proposals announced the availability of funding for projects designed to significantly reduce diesel emissions from nonroad vehicles and equipment across Indiana. Nonroad vehicles and equipment include vehicles, engines, and equipment used for construction, agriculture, cargo handling (port, airport, and others), rail transportation, marine transportation as well as others.
The total estimated funding for this competitive grant opportunity is approximately $2,200,000. DieselWise Indiana anticipates awarding cooperative agreements from this announcement ranging from $50,000 to $750,000, subject to availability of funds and the quality of proposals received. Additional funds may be available in the near future. Project proposals submitted under this grant opportunity may be awarded from these additional funds.
DieselWise Indiana expects to select projects by December 2020 with funds awarded soon thereafter.
Proposals for the DieselWise Indiana grant funding opportunity are due November 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT.
Grant applications must be submitted via email to [email protected]. Submissions are considered timely upon receipt, not transmission. Visit www.IN.gov/idem/airquality/2561.htm for more information and details on how to submit an application.
For more information about the RFP look at the Request for Proposals: 2020 DIESELWISE INDIANA – DERA with Volkswagen DERA Option.
As an add-on service, Greater Indiana Clean Cities offers assistance to its members submitting grant applications and proposals. Full assistance includes research, development of content, and writing the complete grant application.
If you are interested in our grant writing assistance please contact us at [email protected].