CFI Grant Program Applications Being Accepted Until May 30 – Greater Indiana Can Help!

The first round of funding for the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant Program is accepting applications until May 30, 2023. This first round of funding opened up $700 million available for strategically deploying alternative vehicle-fueling infrastructure projects throughout rural and urban communities. You may be looking for additional information on grant eligibility or a letter of support or commitment to strengthen your application. We are already working with some of our members, providing letters of support and additional partnerships for project applications. We want to help other organizations take advantage of this grant program’s first round to support the transition to low- and zero-emission transportation. Please let us know how we can support your project! The CFI Discretionary Grant Program “awards competitive grants to projects serving a range of applicants to fill gaps in the national charging and alternative-fueling network and build out charging in communities. A priority of the CFI Program is bringing EV charging into urban and rural communities, downtown areas, and local neighborhoods, particularly in underserved and disadvantaged communities, as well as to designated alternative fuel corridors.”Contact us for more information