Clean Fuels Alliance Health Benefits Study – Better, Cleaner, Now!

Clean Fuels Alliance America partnered with Trinity Consultants to conduct a study on the health and climate benefits of switching to biodiesel. Phase 2 of the study involved studying the air quality benefits, and reinforcing the benefits, such as decreased cancer risk, fewer premature deaths, reduced asthma attacks, and fewer lost workdays as a result of switching to biodiesel. B100 can help reduce pollution for the heavy-duty transportation industry, one of the most challenging applications to decarbonize.
“Combining Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the study, researchers found that switching to 100% biodiesel in the 28 transportation and home heating oil sectors studied would provide immediate community health improvements that include the following:- More than 456,000 fewer/reduced asthma cases per year
- More than 142,000 fewer sick days per year
- Cancer cases reduced by nearly 9,400 (over a 70-year timeframe)
- The prevention of more than 910 premature deaths per year
- Over $7.5 billion in avoided health costs annually
- A 45% reduction in cancer risk when legacy heavy-duty trucks such as older semis use B100, and an 86% reduced risk when biodiesel is used for home heating oil, known as Bioheat® fuel.”