Buses and Bus Facilities Grants Available

The Federal Transit Administration has announced $1.1 billion in available competitive funding under the Low or No Emission Grant Program and $375 million under the Buses and Bus Facilities Programs. FTA is combining these two grant opportunities in one notice of funding opportunity, and applicants are welcome to apply to either program or both. Any agency intending to apply should initiate the process of registering on the Grants.Gov site immediately to ensure completion of registration before the submission deadline. The full notice is available here.
The deadline for submitting grant proposals is May 31, 2021.
The FTA has announced plans to hold a series of webinars for applicants. Potential applicants are welcome to attend any of the webinars.
Rural and Tribal Applicants Webinar for FY 2022 Low-No & Bus Program Combined NOFO
March 30, 2022; 2:00 – 3:30 PM EDT