Blue Bird Increasing Electric-Bus Manufacturing Capacity Five-Fold

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) newly proposed greenhouse gas emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles have created a prediction that 30 percent of all model year 2027 school buses will be electric-powered. Blue Bird Corp. has transformed a 40,000 sq. ft. facility in Fort Valley, Georgia, into a new Electric Vehicle (EV) Build-up Center to meet the anticipated demand for electric school buses. With the opening of this facility, Blue Bird continues to expand its electric school bus production capacity from four to 20 vehicles a day.
“U.S. and Canadian school districts are increasingly transitioning their bus fleets to electric, zero-emission vehicles. School districts continue to benefit from significant public funding sources to accelerate the adoption of electric school buses and the supporting charging infrastructure. Presently, there are more than $10 billion in federal, state, provincial, and local funding earmarked for zero- and low-emission school buses.”