Bloomington Green Home Improvement Program

The Bloomington Green Home Improvement Program provides rebates to help Bloomington homeowners complete energy efficiency upgrades, install renewable energy sources, reduce their utility bills, and increase the environmental sustainability of their houses. This program advances the City of Bloomington’s goals to improve environmental and economic equity in Bloomington and to reduce the community-wide consumption of fossil fuel energy sources.
Rebates are issued based on household income and project type.
The general population qualifies for a rebate equal to 25% of the project cost, up to the maximum rebate amount in the table below.
Low income homeowners qualify for a rebate equal to 40% of the project cost, up to the maximum rebate amount in the table below.
The minimum rebate is $500 for any project, and therefore the minimum project size is $2,000 for the general population and $1,250 for low income.
Applications are open – learn more and apply!