Greater Indiana: Education in August

This August, our team traveled to conferences and partner events to educate stakeholders about the benefits of alternative fuel transportation options. We traveled across the state and country to discuss Indiana’s projects and advancements.
We kicked off the month in Marion, Indiana, for the Indy Airstrip Attack event, sponsored by our partner, the Indiana Corn Marketing Council, which demonstrated the benefits of ethanol for high-performance vehicles.
At the Fort Wayne Open Streets event, we talked about alternative fuels and vehicles, tax credits, and incentives. In tandem with our booth along the event route, we held an EV Ride and Drive hosted at the Fort Wayne Citilink Central Station. The Ride and Drive featured dealerships, EV Drivers, Indiana Michigan Power, and Tesco.
Our Executive Director, Kaylee Dann spoke at the Green Transportation Summit and Expo (GTSE) in Tacoma, Washington, about navigating the alternative fuel roadmap, sharing success stories and lessons learned. The conference hosted a ride-and-drive that featured a number of medium and heavy-duty electric and hydrogen vehicles.
Wrapping up the month, we traveled to Columbus, Indiana for ACT Research’s 71st Outlook Seminar. The conference featured speakers from ACT Research, Penske, ISUZU, Navistar, and Premier Truck Group.