On-Farm Renewable Natural Gas Facility Expands in Indiana

‘One of the world’s largest on-farm biodigesters was recently unveiled in a public ribbon cutting, and DVO technology powers the heart of the facility. The site in Reynolds, Indiana, is operated by BioTown BioGas LLC. “We are proud to have partnered with BioTown BioGas and that they keep turning to DVO as their waste stream grows,” said Steve Dvorak, president and founder of DVO. “We were chosen for this installation because our digesters handle multiple waste streams, we can scale to meet large volumes, and we can generate multiple forms of renewable power.”‘Read more
The site previously only generated electricity, but it has been upgraded with new anaerobic digesters to generate renewable natural gas and renewable electric power. The digesters create biogas from food waste, dairy manure, beef manure, as well as swine, poultry, and other agricultural waste, which is then converted to renewable energy, including electricity and natural gas. Additionally, the system separates and captures ammonia for fertilizer production. The facility is expected to “generate more than 42-million kilowatt-hours of renewable power per year, along with more than 3-million gallons of renewable fuel. Their digester system provides a level of carbon mitigation equivalent to removing 160,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually.”