8 Things To Know About Electric School Bus Repowers

“Today, electric conversions are performed on several vehicle types. In the United States, this includes heavy-duty transit buses and motorcoaches. Now, the yellow school bus is taking center-stage as the next opportunity to deploy this technology. The first school bus repowers were performed in 2014, but more recently, the availability of this technology has grown substantially with repowered school bus models currently available from several electric vehicle conversion companies.”
School bus operators could have a lower cost and a more sustainable form of transportation through the conversion or retrofitting an existing school but with a new electric drive train. In recent months, interest in this technology has continued to build momentum, bolstered by public repower announcements. This includes a partnership between SEA Electric and the bus dealer, Midwest Transit to repower 10,000 school buses over the next five years; Blue Bird Corporation’s factory certified repower program with Lightning eMotors to convert Type C gas- and propane-powered school buses; and additional deployments from Unique Electric Solutions, who has seven repowered electric school buses in operation today.The WRI Electric School Bus initiative has created a list of 8 essential factors to consider for repowering a fleet. From the overall cost to the available incentives and programs, school bus electrification can help support the current challenges in the supply chain and a more circular economy. Read the full article