Use the resources below to find the right EV for you!
Own the road in your EV…
Purchasing your EV outright gives you the freedom of ownership with no mileage or time restrictions. By purchasing, you can take advantage of federal tax credits and dealer incentives. Contact a local certified dealer to see available models and take a test drive!
…Or lease the latest and greatest
Leasing an EV gives you the flexibility of lower payments, limited maintenance, and the option to upgrade after a few years. Federal tax credits do not apply and miles are limited for guaranteed residual value. Contact a local dealer to see available models and take a test drive!
Do you need flexible contracts, unlimited miles, and an all-inclusive registration, insurance, and 24/7 concierge service plan with a home delivery? Try an EV subscription through AES Indiana’s Motor Drive Program. See how subscribing to your next EV saves you time and money.
From school and transit buses to heavy-duty trucks and recreational vehicles. Use the Alternative Fuels Data Center to find electric and hybrid vehicles for special use, heavy duty, or recreation.
Find the latest light-duty makes and models using Plug In America’s Electric Vehicle Guide. Browse electric cars and find local test drives at