Greater Indiana Clean Cities’ 2021 Awards

Greater Indiana Clean Cities’ 2021 Awards: Fueling the Future of Greater Indiana!
Each year, Greater Indiana Clean Cities, Inc. (Greater Indiana) recognizes outstanding contributions to advancing the organization’s mission. Over the last 22 years, Greater Indiana’s stakeholders have worked to fulfill our mission – advancing alternative, domestic fueled transportation including energy efficient technologies across all sectors in Indiana.
Greater Indiana is currently taking nominations for awards to be given out at this year’s Annual Awards and Networking Reception held at Hyatt Regency Indianapolis on September 1, 2020. Nominate yourself, your organization or others for up to two major efforts or accomplishments completed since August 2020. Nominations should include accomplishments fulfilling Greater Indiana’s mission. We look forward to honoring the work fueling the future of Greater Indiana.
Example projects and programs include but are not limited to:
· Alternative Fueling Stations (biodiesel, EV, propane, CNG, etc.)
· Green Fleet/Clean Fleet Initiatives
· Fuel Economy and/or Idle Reduction Program
· Public Transit Clean Air Champion
· Utility Alternative Fuel Leader
· Driver of Change (person/company large project/program outreach)
Nominations are due by August 6, 2021. Awardees will be notified by August 9, 2021.
For questions, contact Kaylee May at [email protected].