Indiana Communities Awarded Over $1 Million in 2024 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Awards

Communities across the country are investing in projects and programs that save energy, reduce climate pollution, and advance local energy goals.
The City of Evansville was awarded $172,120 to retain a consultant to complete a greenhouse gas inventory of the whole community (including 20 municipal buildings and other private buildings). Data from the assessment will be made public and the city will engage diverse stakeholders to create an energy conservation strategic plan and update the city’s current climate action plan.
The City of Indianapolis was awarded $787,040 to launch a learn-on-the-job workforce training program to audit up to 200 municipal buildings in partnership with the Purdue University School of Engineering and Technology. Indianapolis will also contribute significant efforts to energy benchmarking: they will create a new energy management software system to track city facility benchmarking, hire an Energy Manager to interpret the benchmarking data, develop an enterprise-wide Energy Team, and generate new energy efficiency strategies. The City will leverage the remaining funds for a pilot (executed by the Energy Team) to demonstrate how a Strategic Innovation Fund for priority retrofit projects could be utilized. This pilot will leverage workforce audit program data to determine locations where high-efficiency lighting updates would maximize impact, work with City staff to implement those installations, and capture the savings outcomes.
The City of Mishawaka was awarded $115,070 to replace 392 street and outdoor lights with efficient LEDs in disadvantaged census tracts.